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Monday 6 September 2010

What is THE FALL?

For my Y13 A2 Media short film I have to create a film based on the theme 'THE FALL' the film will be a silent film.After hearing this brief the first step was for me to make my own interpretation based on what I thought 'The Fall' could mean. I started off by simply brainstorming different ideas without holding back.

The Fall - Loss of Innocence

One of my ideas of 'The Fall' was a representation of a loss of innocence. I found an image that could visualise this. It is an image of a girl with a teddy bear in her hand. She is holding it very loosely and it looks like it could very easily slip away and a representation of her innocence which is slowly slipping away. So The Fall of the teddy bear is the loss of innocence. You also notice her dress is at the top of her leg revealing a garter this shows that the loss of innocence creates a negative effect. If I could somehow interpret this in a different way I could also look into how the downfall of something has a knock on effect to something else.

Another image that represents this type of fall is Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, This time rather than the fall of the teddy bear representing a loss of innocence it is The Fall of the apple.

If I were to develop the idea of the fall being the fall of an object representing a loss of innocence I would have have my silent film start off with a shot of an object falling in slow motion.Or how a loss/lack (hence the fall) of something has an ongoing effect in the film

The Fall refers to the fall of mankind from the state of innocence or grace in which they were originally created by God. In the Old Testament this event is recounted in the story of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3: 1-24). (THE NATIONAL GALLERY)

The Fall - Loss of power
When I thought of loss of power I instantly thought Superman and Kryptonite. Superman is a strong and powerful superhero and kryptonite is the only thing that reduces his power or makes him weak. This lack of power makes Superman vulnerable and unable to fly. The idea that I got from this is that every person has their Kyrptonite, that one thing that holds them back from progressing and its down to them to overcome this.In terms of a film idea I could go on with the idea of a character trying to overcome their own personal kryptonite

I found a video clip that could help show this idea.
Inception, directed by Christopher Nolan I feel uses the idea of Kryptonite.

Dom Cobb has the ability to invade people's dreams in order to steal business secrets from rival subconsciousness. Dom Cob's Kryptonite is his dead wife who constantly haunts his mind.

A brainstorm of ideas based on the fall. I found that simply just brainstorming ideas helped me stay open minded and not turn down any thoughts that came up in my mind.

To be at ones peak is what one desires.
But once that peak is reached it is impossible to reach higher.

The Fall then becomes inevitable.

There's a loss of control,A loss of desire.

However, after the fall one can only go higher.

The Fall is a viscous cycle of love, pain, joy. But, life.

This is a short poem that I wrote as a way of brainstorming my ideas. It talks about The Fall being a viscous cycle of life's ups and downs. However, Once you experience The Fall, you can only go higher and I felt this notion is a good idea to have to make into a film idea. Showing the struggle a character has to find success, or showing how a character looses success.

The Fall - In and Out of Love

The process of which two people meet and fall in love can be a story within itself however if two people then start to fall out in love can be another story. Falling out of love with someone can the THE FALL of another person as they feel as a part of them is missing.

As part of research we were told to write morning pages; these are phrases, words or statements that comes to our mind first thing in the morning, these are mine that releated to love.

' Love is pain, but it hurts more to hate you' 'With you I am everything and nothing is me without you'

Fall through society - The fall through society I interpreted as the struggle that people face to make a good living or to get a good job and still not acheiving it. It can also been shown as the huge gap between rich and poor and how the rich end up being poor because they do not know how to manage their money. The film that this idea reminds me of is 'The Pursuit of Happiness' which shows the struggle of a man trying to keep his family together whilst trying to make ends meet.

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