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Monday 5 July 2010

Silent Movie Analysis

On the 25th June 2010 my media class attended the BFI Mediatheque in order or us to watch more examples of classic silent movies for more ideas and inspiration for our piece. I was able to watch various silent movies such as the ones shown below. This was the first time I really got to experience watching silent movies and I enjoyed watching them more than I expected to.

Blackmail -- 1929 -- Alfred Hitchcock

The First Born --1928 -- Miles Mander

Maisies Marriage -- 1923 -- Alexander Butler

As well as being very ingaged into different storylines I also noticed different techniques of which they used that I may want to incorporate into my silent movie.

-Hand-held camera sequences
Having a hand held camera sequence involves filming with the camera in your hand rather that on the stand. This enables the audience to really engange into the film through the charecters eyes. It also makes the audience feel as if they are part of the film.
-Birds eye view shots
Birds eye view shots involve shoting from a higher angle, this can be used to emphisise a smaller charecter or can be used as a hidden meaning to emphisise making a charecter feel small.
-Reflective Shots
I found it interesting watching films with reflective shots as rather than seeing the image straight on I was able to see it through the reflection of something else. These shots can be tricky to film as you have to try your best to not get camera equipment seen through the reflection however if masteresed correctly they can be effective.
-Shots through objects
Shots through objects were seen alot with the silent movies. There were varoius different and interesting ways using objects to shoot through such as doorways and windows etc. This is seen alot with TRASKOSKY.
-Fast editing cuts between dramatic scenes
Dramatic scenes would be emphisesed with faster cutaways between shots. As there is no dialogue the director has to find a way of really emphisising drama with no words and this is a very good way of doing it.
-Incidental music
There would be incidental music throughout sequences.
-Black and white image
Black and white imaging added authenticity to the film. With my silent movie I may want it in black and white to add age to it.
-Most of the films jump straight into action
With silent movies I watched I learnt that they jump into action straight away to grab the audience right from the beginning.

The silent movie that I enjoyed the most was a
Cottage on Dartmoor -- 1929 -- Antong Asquith
It was a really simple story line but it was excecuted really well through the way the story was told.

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