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Thursday 30 September 2010

30th September 2010

Today during class we went into our groups to start to develop silent movie ideas. Our main ideas that we presented back to the class were . . .

Fall through society.
A series of shots following different characters gradually decreasing in the heir achy of society. For example, shot of business man in suit gradually walking through a door, then the camera follows a delivery man who throws something in the bin, then follows a homeless person and so on.
Tag Line: To reach the TOP

My Kryptonite.
Superman is seen invincible in the eyes of everyone else but even he has his weakness, kryptonite.
A character loved by everyone around them but then as the character confronts his/her weakness it will all change.
Tag Line: Through times of trouble you know who your true friends are.

During the discussion of story ideas, Yasmin was certain to mention the fact that although it is a silent movie we can still have an element of fun and excitement and the story does not need to have a gloomy atmosphere. So the task set by our teacher was to take our ideas and make them more positive.

My approach to this was to first take the tagline and change it, it to something more positive.

Fall through society.
Tag Line: To reach the TOP now becomes . . . without the strong foundation the peak will not be so high.
A series of shots following different characters gradually decreasing in the heir achy of society. For example, shot of business man in suit gradually walking through a door, then the camera follows a delivery man who throws something in the bin, then follows a homeless person and so on. Now becomes shot in the reverse way starting from the homeless person to the man in a business suit, with each character looking happy in their field of work.

My Kryptonite.
Tag Line: Through times of trouble you realise who your true friends are. Now becomes . . . True friends always come through
Superman is seen invincible in the eyes of everyone else but even he has his weakness, kryptonite.
A character loved by everyone around them but then as the character confronts his/her weakness it will all change. Now becomes . . . . The character comes across his/her weakness and through the help of friends/ a special overcomes it.

Although these are ideas that we could use, as a group we are still being very open minded to new ideas and we have no solid idea set just yet.

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