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Wednesday 29 September 2010

First Production Meeting

29th September 2010

Today I was put into my group from my A2 production. I was told I would be partnered with Rachel O'Connell and Yasmin Philigence. I was very pleased as I know that we are all very hard working and devoted media students and we can all puch each other to acheive our best.

The first task that we had to do was put foward all our ideas of the theme 'The Fall' and to put foward any ideas that we could then add when it comes to film making. We showed each other our blogs and different pieces we had put together that could then end up being very useful.

Here are some the ideas we came up with.

After watching the film Inception over the summer, we liked the way the film had us asking questions at the beginning and then revealing to us the answers at the end. We felt that we couldnt help but feel it was a good film as our questions were gradually answered. We felt if this was excecuted well it could be something we could execute and put into our film.
Starting the story and the end then working backwards.
Placing the story in a dream so anything can happen.
Falling ill, Rachel had watched a film over the summer which was about two sisters and one was really ill, she said it was very emotional and the film really portrayed the bond that the sisters had.
Everyone has their weakness, this corresponds to my Superman and Kyroptonyte idea that I did for the summer homework.
Subtances and their illusions, under the influences of dangerous substances you experience different tricks and mindsets and it is dangerous to FALL for them.
The Rise/ The Fall
The Fall through society a sequence of scenes showing different men gradually lower in the heir achy of society.
Loss of innocence
The Fall of the season
Falling from success
The fall compared to the rise

Creating shapes through cinematography
Shadows to create
Black and white or Sepia mode

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