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Sunday 3 October 2010

Finding Story Ideas

The idea that I got after watching this sequence was the fall as a loss of innocence.
The camera will follow a girl walking through a hallway and through the hallway the background will have different props and images that show a growth in age and a gradually loss of innocence and at the end of the clip she will reach the door. The way that this will be approached will have the audience thinking that she is about to do something she shoulder be doing . But, she then opens the door to an ordinary bedroom with books on the bed and she sits down to study. The clip will end with text saying if you wasn't expecting this maybe you have lost your innocence...

This clip shows a series of shots showing people play poker. The idea from this develops Yasmin s idea of basing the story at a dinner table.I liked the way that in a few shots the camera slows down and this creates tension. The story idea I got from this would be 'Fall out of love'. It would show a couple having dinner whilst at this dinner there is a lot of tension.The couple will be eating dinner uncomfortable using cutlery aggressively. The tension will then become clear as it flash backs to a scene where one couple sees the other cheating or doing something they shouldn't. Then it will cut to another shot where the other couple sees the other on doing something they shouldn't. So we then go back to the dinner table where the couple are mad at each other unbe known to the fact they both now each other is guilty.

To develop the Super-Daddy Idea I came up with a story idea of a day in the life of ... I looked at this video and liked the way it showed the relationship between the characters through the partners eyes. I came up with the idea of a few shots of the son through his eyes and the way he sees his father as a real hero in every day life. Then after a few minutes the father will look in the mirror and then the Superhero image disappears. Then shots through the fathers eyes of how he sees his son as his hero, then the son looks in the mirror. Then the sequence ends with 'You can be inadequate in the eyes of the world but through my eyes your'e my hero and that's all that matters' .. 'Who's your hero?'

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