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Tuesday 7 December 2010

Film Poster

Main Poster 1

Main Poster 2 (billboard)

I chose this poster as my final idea as I thought it was my favourtie out of the ones I had created. I liked the emoboss effect that I put on the picture using Photoshop. The picture orignally had the glare from the sun and I was able to play with this by placing the film title on top of this. To make Frank and Charlie stand out more I added a burnt look effect so they would not blend in with the background. I thought the best place to put the tagline was at the top of the page to add to the whole layout of the image.

Main Poster 3 draft 1

This is another idea for a poster/ bilboard. I liked this idea because of its simplicty but it puts foward certain elements that the film will hold well. It shows the two main charecters. It shows the main prop (Suitcase). It highlights a predominant setting (Hotel) and the tagline I used for it give clues on what the film may be about.

Main idea 3 - Final Idea after feedback

Idea 4

This was the first poster I created using Photoshop. It was originally taken with a different background which I then erased and replaced with some cloud to go with the theme of this poster. I did not like the final outcome as I felt it looked far too cheesy and did not show any elements of what the film is likely to be about.

This is a draft that I created using photoshop.


  1. In the first two posters i like the still image you have used from the film as it represents the film well. I really like how the word SWITCH has been positioned over the glimmer of light reflected off the car. I think this looks really interesting. I liked the idea of the double act "in the clouds" however i am glad you didn't use this for a final poster as it doesn't really fit the world of the film as good as your first two. The third poster with the image of the double act bursting through the door depicts the characters very well and i especially like the lightbulb used to dot the "i" in SWITCH. The only criticism i have is comparing this one to the two posters at the top of the page i cannot see a constant housestyle. I know they're from the same film but you have used different elements for both; maybe if you used the title SWITCH with the lightbulb in your first poster, or incorporated the same image effect from the first two posters on your third? Just so it can become clearer that they are for the same film.
    Overall, three very creative and informative posters that have been put together well and capture the essence of the film. I love the tagline from the first two posters i think this is very clever! Well done :)

  2. All really good, they protray the genre and idea of the film clearly, without giving away to much of the plot. Good use of different fonts and images to make the poster more lively. My only suggestions is maybe develop more of a housestyle to 3 posters? i think the last to are getting there, but i think they could improve with stronger colour schemes and reoccuring images in all 3? :)
