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Wednesday 13 October 2010

Film Idea Character Research

Fall through society/Rising to reach success - Trying different ways to reach the top -
Failing with one idea and trying with another
Our story idea is based on these ideas , because our film is in silence we wanted to lift the gloomy elements of our film and make it very comical. Our story is about a double act trying out loads of quick money making schemes. so I researched different comical double acts to find out what make a successful double act and how the chemistry can be shown on screen.
I looked at some clips from Dum and Dummer. This was not my favourite clips but I could not embed the ones that I wanted however linked to this clip are good examples of their on screen chemistry.I also found an article showing the top-ten best on screen duos.

The Chuckle Brothers are a brilliant example of a good on screen duo.The chemistry is really easy to pick up on because their repetitive phrases such as ''to me, to you''. The way that they deal with each predicament they face is very funny to watch, although some situations can be predictable it still is very funny to watch because of the actors approach to it. This is where good directing comes in because if our cast that we choose for our film are not delivering in a particular way it is our duty to show them how we want in done in order for the success of our film.
What makes a good double act?
Each character brings their own dynamic
Each character bounces off of one another's energy
Ying and Yang - A good example of this is with Chris Tucker & Jackie Chan
They are complete opposites from different parts of the world but that is what makes their chemistry so explosive. Right at the end of this clip the audience get a taster of the friendship they are about to witness.

The interview below also shows the chemistry that they have. Despite the fact they are not in role you can still see the closeness between them. When choosing cast if we can get characters with a natural chemistry beforehand this will work well for our film as they will already be close and comfortable with each other to work together.

A collection of funny scenes the two characters have shared.

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