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Friday 15 October 2010

Charecter Profiles and Feedback


Age: 26 Very immature, jobless with no motivation to find work although very stupid he believes that he is intelligent so he refuses to be told he is wrong, particularity by Charlie.

Main Trait: Brains of the 'program' . Although they are not very intelligent charecters Frank is the smater to the stupid twosome, I guess you could he is the blind that is leading the blind.

Humanizing Trait: Despite being ridiculously stupid and seemingly immune from emotions, he is very loyal to Charlie and will do anything to protect him.

Profession: Left School at 16, failed every exam so had no qualifications to get into college or sixth form.

Address: He has lived opposite Charlie his whole life in an East End dingy estate. (Working class enviroment).However, he has come from a stable home brought up by his Dad.

Values: A very lazy charecter that wants to climb the status ladder but without the hard grafting it involves.He will look for the easy way out of anything, he the type to not want to run but would walk fast. He sits around the house as his Dad is rarely ever at home as doesnt take an interest in what Frank gets up to.

Foil: Frank comes up with all the cunning ideas for the schemes but always wants Charlie by his side taking part in these cunning schemes. Their plans aren't quite the same with just one of them partaking in it.

Obsession: Frank is obsessed with finding the easy way out of everything! If it involves hard work, Frank ain't involved.

Goal: To get the £6000 and more in order to buy this car that he sees for sale. He likes the idea of Charlie looking up to him so he feels if his plans are successful Charlie's respect for him will continue to grow

Idol: Frank sees himself as his own idol because in his eyes he feels he can do no wrong. Put it this way, Frank is too lazy to aspire to be like any one else.

Epitaph: ''If its my idea, its a great idea!''

Internal Conflicts: Frank is full of ideas but is very impractical, he doesn't understand the error of his ways until he realises his ideas don't work.He doesn't like to be told he is wrong so the boys have to fail at a task before they realise it was a bad idea, so Frank's inability to see his errors and not think practically plays a part in the film.

Interpersonal Conflicts:Frank is not quite Frank without Charlie as Frank does not feel as adequate without Charlie looking up to him. Frank and Charlie are a double act and without each other the film creates less of an impact on the audience.

Societal and Environmental Conflicts: He has no job aspirations, no money and no qualifications, he lives in his own little bubble which Charlie finds himself in. Despite all this he is still a very happy character as he believes in his eyes he is doing no wrong.

Best Thing That Could Ever Happen To This Character (could turn out to be the worst): Alongside Charlie he finally gets the money for the car, but with no regular income who knows how long they will be able to keep the car for, as insurance and road tax are just some of the expenses that come with having a car. !

Worst Thing That Could Ever Happen To This Character: Loosing Charlie. Charlie's presence fuels him to be the ideas person he is in the film and without Charlie egging him on Frank is not quite the same.

Why The Audience Will Root For This Character: Because he hasn't got a mean bone in his body and it will become apparent how much he feeds off of Charlie's energy. Charlie is a loveable character and anyone who loves Charlie will love Frank.

Voice:'' Walking is for LOSERS! I'm so loser, no LETS DRIVE!''


Age: 21 but not the average 21 year old. He doesn't have a job, enjoys being a "bum" and has no aspirations for the future.

Main Trait: Probably one of the dumbest people you will ever meet without being classed as retarded. Forever following Franks' word he is an easy going idiot.

Humanizing Trait: Although Charlie is too stupid for words, he is a really loyal friend to Frank and will do anything for their friendship! Even if it means dabbling in a fake drug deal...

Profession: no qualifications, not even GCSEs - he was kicked out of school at the age of 14 due to lack of commitment and attendance. When he wasn't being lazy and made the effort to go into school, he was sent home for disrupting the class and being a clown. Eventually, they just kicked him out.

Address: he has lived opposite Frank his entire life and they both live on a rundown estate. However, coming from a stable home with both parents there.

Values: Charlie enjoys playing car racing video games, eating cookies that his mum STILL cooks him and being with Frank, his best friend. He's not the sort of person to give to a needy person on the street, but not because he's rude, because he's way too stupid and broke to! He doesn't drive (yet) but enjoys pretending to drive on his games.

Foil: Charlie works at the same pace as his best friend Frank throughout the film. The main difference is that Charlie is way too dumb to think of the "cunning schemes" that Frank does. Although, as the film progresses both characters grow to rip off a "big time" drug dealer.

Obsession: Where Charlie is a comedic character his obsession is more of a great fondness; for video games and eating. Rather than having a dark obsession his is funny. This is because the word "obsession" is usually associated with negative and sinister actions because a character likes something/someone too much.

Goal: His goal is to get money for a car. However, he is more the puppy dog following Frank with his ideas. He's more in it for the adventure.

Idol: Charlie's idol is Frank. He respects and looks up to him like an older brother even though they're not related.

Epitaph: "aint gotta be a smarty pants to make moneys!"

Internal conflicts: The child inside Charlie is constantly alive however the actions he takes out begin to mature throughout the film. He is initially a child in a 21 year olds' body because his daily routine follows that of a young boy. e.g. playing video games, hanging around with his best friend and not worrying about the responsibilities every other 21 year old should have. So, his inner child does conflict with how he SHOULD be but both outer and inner personalities are connected.

Interpersonal conflicts: Without Charlie, the film would only be half as funny as it could be as we wouldn't have a crowd favourite double act. Frank would pursue the schemes on his own and it's not funny when one person fails a stupid idea! Charlie's role in the film is vital, as is Franks; you can’t have one without the other!

Societal and Environmental Conflicts: he has no money, he has no will power to find a job to make money, and he has no conflict with society as he chooses to be this way. He doesn't blame society for him being lazy as he is happy to be this way.

Best thing that could happen to this character (could turn out to be the worst): he and Frank get the money they need for the car HOWEVER this could turn out to be a bad thing as the only knowledge Charlie has of driving is in his video games!!

Worst thing that could happen to that character ( could turn out to be the best): If he lost his best friend Frank. He would be lonely and heartbroken, like a child losing their favourite toy!

Why the audience would root for this character: Mainly because he's funny but more because he's so stupid! Additionally, his and Frank's duo scams in order to get money will make the audience want them to succeed. Charlie is a really likeable character.

Voice (a description of the enticing incident that kicks up the drama, from the viewpoint of the character): "we... we gotta get the moneys to get the car cos then we wont 'aff to walk anymore. that would be well good!"


1 comment:

  1. Very detailed
    Charecter traits are very clear just by reading different remarks
    A clear image of the charecter is created
    The epitaphs were very good
    Having the charecters come from a stable home helps to keep the story line simply and focus on the comedy traits rather than drama.
    Both differences between the charecter are shown well and it is easy to see why the charecters are fond of each other
