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Wednesday 29 December 2010

Interesting Camera Shots

Split Screens
The technique of showing two or more images simultaneously and separately on the screen

A split screen is an interesting way of presenting numerous images on screen. Because the film that we are making is silent, the visual aspects of what is on screen needs to be taken into consideration, so, we could incorporate the use of split screens into our film.

Breaking the forth wall
The space separating the audience from the action of a theatrical performance, traditionally conceived of as an imaginary wall completing the enclosure of the stage.

Breaking the forth wall is when the characters on screen talk to the audience or look directly to camera. This technique helps the audience engage into the action on screen. This could be a good technique to use with our film as the characters we are using are very comical,so, doing this could add some humour elements to our film.
Slow motion walk
There is a specific scene from Superbad where the guys are walking in slow motion accompanied by the soundtrack played below.

This could be something to incorporate into our film as it does not fail to get the reaction of laughter. The music is upbeat and cool which contradicts what the characters actually portray. At this point the audience really engage and understand what the characters feel at this point in time, however, what makes it so funny is the fact that they look quite the opposite of what they think they look like.
Black and White Filter

Most silent movies have a black and white filter to them. We can incorporate this into our film to help create the atmosphere of a silent movie. It can also be used to add tension to certain scene or be used for flashbacks. So, as a group if we do not want to use a black and white filter throughout we can discuss where and when we want to use them.

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