Welcome to my A2 Media Blog

Tuesday 19 October 2010


INT: Hotel room.
Black screen with title reading DAY 3: 3.28pm
Frank and Charlie sit uncomfortably at a table clutching a briefcase. As the camera turns a large gangster type, Big Pete, is revealed with his bodyguard holding his suitcase.
(No audio)Big Pete: so what ave' you got for me lads.(Frank and Charlie look at each other
Frank: What ave' you got for us (trying to act hard)
Big Pete looks at his bodyguards and they all burst out in hysterical laughter at the lads attempts, who also join in with a nervous laugh. Big Pete and his body guards all stop at once, leaving Frank and Charlie still laughing. They stop. Big Pete grabs the suitcase and opens it on the table to reveal that it's full of money. Charlie reaches over to touch the money, but Big Pete slams it shut before he can and demands a looks in their suitcase. Franks nods at Charlie to open the suitcase (away from camera) as Big Pete reaches over to grab the suitcase, Charlie, thinking it is normal procedure, also slams the suitcase shut.
Cut away to empty corridor, and Frank and Charlie come sprinting out of the far door. As they run down the corridor towards camera, we see both Big Pete and bodyguards in back wiping they faces and chasing the pair furiously.Extreme close ups of running feet in corridor and down the stairs with action soundtrack playing over the top.
SCENE 2 -For Sale
EXT: Estate
Black title screen : DAY 1 11.38am
Frank and Charlie are walking down the street and they begin to mess about pushing each other, as Charlie continues Frank stops beside a car. A poster in the car window reads: "CAR FOR SALE £6000". Charlie goes backs to Frank and they both nod at each other, realising that this is the car that they have always wanted. The two jump up and down and hi5 each other, but Frank stops jumping noticing the price of the car. He points at the price of the car to Charlie and they turn out their pockets hoping they have enough on them. They don’t. (Close up of the contents of their pockets: coppers, buttons, gum and a kinder egg and a half eaten cookie. Seeing the cookie Charlie nibbles it as they put the contents back into their pocket. Frank is at first annoyed at Charlie’s disregards for the price of the car as he is more interested in his stale cookie so he knocks it out of Charlie hand, then realises it’s the source of his first cunning idea.
Light bulb graphic as Franks face lights up whilst thinking of his idea.
He picks up the cookie and gives it back to Charlie, then walks out of frame to start on his scheme. Charlie is left in frame and looks around to see if anyone is watching, and then shamelessly continues to nibble the dirty cookie, and he is dragged out of frame by Franks arm.


SCENE 3 - Cookie sales

EXT: Estate

(Doorbell) A door opens from the inside and reveals Frank and Charlie on the doorstep with a tray of cookies stretched out. The pair a smiling broadly yet creepily and are wearing homemade sash spelling 'Brownies' across their dingy clothes.

Both: COOKIES! (SMILING)They rustle the tray towards the camera and the door slams shut on them.

Montage of the same action from outside the house: Frank and Charlie smiling, rustling the tray, door slams in face, them walking to the next house.

Final house, Frank and Charlie are annoyed now at their lack of sales so they try another tactic. At the next house a young girl opened the door and Frank steps up and threatens the girls to buy a cookie ( close up: holding her by the scruff of her neck) . As the door slowly opens behind the girl, Frank looks up and, after seeing the girls 'large' dad staring back, he quickly lets go and pats the girl on the head and fixes her clothes. The dad then growls and draws his arm back to punch Frank, who quickly ducks leaving Charlie to take the punch to the face and he grabs his eye in pain. The dad then grabs the cookies and slams the door shut.

Frank and Charlie walk away from the house. Franks rips off his sash, throws it on the ground, and then walks out of frame angrily. Whilst Charlie is almost crying and rubs his eye in pain he follows out of shot.


Scene 4 - Blindman plan

EXT. Residential Street

Frank looks back at Charlie waiting for Charlie to catch up to him. Frank turns away and shakes his head and then stumbles as Charlie walks into him. Frank gives Charlie a wack around the side of the head. Charlie then tries to hit him back (eyes still closed) but misses on various attempts because he cant see what he is doing.

Close up of Franks face as he starts to smile.

Lighbulb graphic as Frank realises a new idea.

Frank then takes hold of Charlie's arm and guides him as they start to walk out of the frame.


Scene 5 - Blindman Hustle

EXT. Residential street

Frank shakes Charlie to get him to open his eyes and then looks around to an empty street (to make sure no one can hear them and whispers the plan reguardless of no one else being around)

Close up of Charlie's face lighting up as he loves the idea

Frank notices a man walking down the deserted road towards them and points to Charlie idicating he is their first victim. Charlie then carves his hand into the shape of a money pot and approaches the man with Frank guiding him. The man walks off giving them a dirty look. Charlie waves his fist in the air. Frank wacks him in the head once again to remind him to stay in charecter.

Then man continues to walk off and is approached by a car as it speeds up and stops by him. Frank and Charlie (both looking intrigued) see the car and start trailing behind the man. They stop at a nearby tree and hide behind it.

The driver in the car hand over a concelled package as the man hands over a large some of money

Franks face light up (Lightbulb graphic)

The car drives off as big Pete walks away

Frank grabs Charlies arm and they continue to follow the man.


Scene 6 - The comfrontation

EXT. Residential Street

INT. Hotel Room

Black Title Screen: 10 minutes later . . .

Frank (still looking intrigued) and Charlie (looking bored and restless) follow the man to the hotel door

The man turns around and is furious to see the two scrauny looking guys have followed him. He grabs them both by the arm and takes them into the hotel room.

A confrontation is shown in fast foward starting off with the man being very angry and Frank and Charlie looking scared,then eventually leading to Frank and Charlie shaking hands with the man.

Charlie and Frank walk out of the hotel room door and gradually walk down the hallway (looking pleased with themselves).


Frank continues to walk and Charlie stops. Charlie shakes Franks

Black Title Screen: 'But Frank, WE DON'T HAVE DRUGS!'

'Ssssshhhh! Don't worry Charlie, I have an Idea!'


Scene 7 - Making the drugs


Frank reaches for the Sugar and pours in into a bowl, Frank then reaches for some flour and pours it in with the sugar. Charlie then reaches for some coffee. Frank hits Charlie at the back of his head and Charlie then puts it down.

Charlie and Frank start to mix together their fake drugs and put it into bags. Montage.

Frank holds out a small amount of the mixture into his palm and Charlie blows it into his face. Both Frank and Charlie continue to laugh.

Fade To White



INT: Hotel room.

Black screen with title reading DAY 3: 3.28pm

Frank and Charlie sit uncomfortably at a table clutching a briefcase. As the camera turns a large gangster type, Big Pete, is revealed with his bodyguard holding his suitcase.

(No audio)Big Pete: so what ave' you got for me lads.

(Frank and Charlie look at each other

Frank: What ave' you got for us (trying to act hard)

Big Pete looks at his bodyguards and they all burst out in hysterical laughter at the lads attempts, who also join in with a nervous laugh. Big Pete and his body guards all stop at once, leaving Frank and Charlie still laughing. They stop. Big Pete grabs the suitcase and opens it on the table to reveal that it's full of money. Charlie reaches over to touch the money, but Big Pete slams it shut before he can places it beside him and demands a looks in their suitcase. Franks nods at Charlie to open the suitcase (away from camera) as Big Pete reaches over to grab the suitcase, Charlie, thinking it is normal procedure, also slams the suitcase shut.

Big Pete looks at Charlie in anger and Charlie slowly puts the suitcase on the table (looking scared). Big Pete opens the suitcase and looks up and Frank and Charlie.

Frank and Charlie (trying to look hard) look over at Big Pete.

Big Pete then reaches for a bag of the fake drugs and pours a small amount into his palm. Big Pete slowly raises his palm towards his face and as he goes to taste it Charlie blows the powder in his face.

Frank grabs the suitcase full of money and Frank and Charlie run towards the door.

Cut away to empty corridor, and Frank and Charlie come sprinting out of the far door. As they run down the corridor towards camera, we see both Big Pete and bodyguards in back wiping they faces and chasing the pair furiously.Extreme close ups of running feet in corridor and down the stairs with action soundtrack playing over the top.


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