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Tuesday 5 October 2010

5th October 2010 - Watching Short Films

In class we were given guidelines and tips in order to keep on and improve our story ideas.
These included;
Think of things you are familiar with as use them as story ideas
A brighter storyline is easier to execute
Characters must have motivated and believable actions
The audience must understand why certain events take place
Characters must be rounded
Pithy Dialogue
Short and precise story lines but full of meaning
Show development from the first drafted treatment to the final product
During today's lesson our teacher showed us a series of short films We had to see how the points shown above were seen in these shorts films.
These included;
The First Time It Hits. Directed and written by Jason Budge it has no dialogue and was black and white.
Still: The First Time It Hits
My thoughts
' It was a really simple story line, to the point where if it was written on paper it would not seem like and effective idea. However, the way in which it was executed made it effective and enjoyable to watch, alongside the special effects but they played a very minimal part in the impact that the film had on me. It was also very serious told in a fun way, that made it more enjoyable also.
Plot point
The main plot point was the boy hitting the girl with the skateboard.
The characters were very believable simple because of the way they were focused on for example the skateboard played a huge part in us understanding the type of character the boy was. Also the music used was a rock type song with helped emphasise the rebellious side the characters portrayed.
Hard Labour.Directed by Oliver Krimpas.In colour & dialogue included.
Hard Labour
My thoughts
The story left you asking questions at first but slowly revealed them throughout the story. Although the story line was not as simple it was executed very well because the characters were believable.
Plot point
Yelena is on-tap sex for Simon
Yelena falls pregnant
Simon persuades Yelena for abortion but she keep its behind his back to use as a revenge tactic
Emily falls pregnant
The husband and wife were a typical married couple so it was easy for the audience to understand the type of people they were. The characters we not over complicated or oversimplified they were created with the right amount of buzz that kept the audience interested. For example William was a working husband however he was cheating on his wife. Yelena was a Croatian mother, with the bravery to bribe a man who was doing her wrong. Emily, a loving wife with not idea of any of the things going on behind her back.
The dialogue helped to tell the story and helped us understand characters For example William says '' You better keep this quiet or you will have to go back to Croatia.'' This shows that Yelena is happier away from home and William has a sinister side to him.
Ice Cream Dream.Directed by Ekta Walia.In colour & dialogue included.

My thoughts

A negative storyline positively approached. The film made me laugh but at the same time it addressed a few serious issues such as debt and young girls struggle to overcome her own insecurities to make friends. With the light approach to presenting the film to the audience made it less daunting and heavy so I could grasp the story easily.
Plot point
Family in debt
Daughter dreams of owning ice cream van
Girl struggles to make friends
Once again simple plot points

Believable and easy to relate to.
The first line is ''aright sweetheart?'' showing the bond between father and daughter instantly. The daughter later on repeats a series of words her father said showing the audience how much she wants to be like her Dad.

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