Welcome to my A2 Media Blog

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Creative Photography

In class we were given the task to work in pairs to go out and take pictures.
Brief: was to imagine a world of a film and take pictures in the way they have never been seen before.
At first it was very challenging finding new ways of taking these pictures but once we got a few shots the task gradually got easier. I worked with Esma for this task. The task was also another was of developing our cinematography skills.Working in pairs taught me how to take in other notions and implement them with my own in order to produce a better final product than what would had initially been. I will not be creating my film by my self so working with others is a skill that will need to be used. Doing this task help me use this skill and the idea of putting my ideas with someone else's will be what I will need to do in order to create a successful film.

Slideshow: media work - Slideshow

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