Welcome to my A2 Media Blog

Monday 28 June 2010

The Concept of Silence

For our A2 film we will be creating a silent film, so as part of research we had to discuss our notions and thoughts on silence. . .
Silence gives us the freedom to think.
We associate different sounds with different emotions, so when there is no sound what do we feel?
Sound has us brainwashed.
The Silence sets us free.
Silence does not exist.
In order to create silence you have to mute the world!

These are some quotes and thoughts that I came up with during the lesson. By doing this I learnt how I could possibly use silence to influence an audience a certain way in order to get a message across. The reason why I did this was to start interpreting the task given into my own meaning as I know I cannot create a successful silent film without knowing the influence and power silence can have on an audience.

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